Sunday, January 27, 2008

Miscellaneous Art from the last month

These next two paintings were done at the Seattle Workshop. Each painting took roughly an hour. I wanted to focus my time on the lectures, but it was cool to see everyone painting :).

Not related to any topic, but maybe worth a look? I had fun painted these, and they are typical of what I do outside of work :).


Cole said...

hey- so I guess this is my semi- official first post on the raven art thread, and dang, theres some top notch work up here. Its super intimidated to be working with people at this skill level. I mainly just wanted to point out some "small-world-isms" in saying this is the sketch thread from back home,

if you scroll down you`ll see the black frog pose painted by Coro that my friend Geiger won at the raffle. (though I gotta say yours turned out better).

anyways I look forward to meeting you and the rest of the people on here, I don't want to be a cheese ball and say "its an honor" but really thats all I got :P

therealglenfriedman said...

the russian dude looks like your brother.